Cursive writing can help to develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. However, it is no longer an area of importance in our curriculum. Students are no longer spending their language arts period practicing their cursive writing skills, but rather typing away on a computer. Computer skills have certainly become a priority in our fast-paced, technology filled classrooms, but is the value of cursive writing being lost? In the long run, is it affecting our children’s ability to note-take and identify different forms of writing?

It’s that time of year again! Progress Reports have been or will be send out. As parents, get prepared to see how your child has been doing since the school year started.  The real question is, do we wait for the final report cards to come out at the end of the year, to get more of an accurate result? Or do we, take these progress reports just as importantly, and implement a change right away? It is hard to determine this, because as parents we become oblivious to the fact, that it is not necessary to make a change, because there is still a lot of time for improvement, and it will just occur naturally throughout the school year.

Back in the day, there was always this misconception that music interferes or distracts a child from obtaining an education. However, that is not what our current studies suggest. One of the popular research studies read by many, is the one that suggests; “Kids who listen to Mozart perform better on tests”. Although I agree with this, but as I was conducting my own research, I stumbled across something interesting. This research made me realize that we have our ways of interpreting information that we come across. Although the source may be credible, but as teachers and parents we need to be able to look at a resource, and ask ourselves: “Is this practical?”.

Jeffrey Bush, a Music Education Professor, emphasizes that, students should learn how to read and play music, rather than just simply listen to it. The rationality behind this is, that students will develop new skills that they didn’t possess before. Although it is safe to say for some, that music does help with focus and concentration, but does it help conquer a new skill? No it does not.


It is a new generation of technology. As we know it, students heavily rely on technology such as; Ipads, use of cellphones, laptops e.t.c. Since the new generation is highly effected by technology and it’s become its very own epidemic. As a result, it becomes a chain reaction, in which education takes a back seat. But it doesn’t have to, because there is always a way of incorporating technology with education. As parents, we can use technology as a tool of manipulation. Like they, “if you can’t beat em, then join em”.  The article below makes some great suggestions on how things like “family movie night” can contain educational material. Just because it doesn’t sound educational, does not mean there isn’t any insight that could be gained from it. I really like the concept of a conflict, or plot from a movie and using that as a teaching method for the child.

What is the token system? It is a system developed by teachers, in order to regulate behaviors within the classroom. The tokens are used as reinforces for students. As parents we may question, what are the tokens trying to reinforce? Simply, reinforce good behavior in exchange for a reward. The token system can work in many different ways, such as; exchanging tokens, and earning certain rewards by completing tasks e.t.c.

As a teacher, the token system is highly effective, if it is grade level appropriate. The token system provides students opportunities to earn their rewards, by demonstrating modelled behavior. Rewards, provide reassurance that students are the ones being benefited. Every child is curious to know what they are getting in return.